(908) 526-8130

Help us help more seniors...
As a non-profit organization, CHC is always looking for help. Here are some ways you can help us continue to provide affordable living options for seniors. Have questions? Give us a call!

In order to continue providing quality housing and care for low/moderate-income seniors, we rely on the generous support of donors. We accept residents who can afford to pay only a fraction of the actual cost of services; the agency makes up the difference through donations, grants, and other funds.
While securing funding has always been a challenge, it has been compounded even more so by the turbulent economy. While CHC receives some funding from Federal, State, County, and Township government, one of its main sources of aid is through fundraisers and private donations.
We are always looking for Angels... please give generously, and thank you for your kindness!
Cooperative Housing Corporation (CHC) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Cooperative Housing appreciates having friendly, eager volunteers to help in unique ways. Assistance is needed at fundraisers and events, as well as participating in different activities with our seniors.
Some examples:
Volunteers at our golf outings and other events
Generations Interact high school group, conducts activities such as arts and crafts with our seniors every month
Therapy dogs and their handlers, who work with our seniors in small group settings
Transportation to medical appointments

Join Our Board
CHC can always use outstanding people on our Board of Directors, or to act as advisors and recruiters for additional contacts.
We are constantly striving to get the word out about the great services that CHC provides, and our incredible housing resource for seniors and their families. We welcome applications from anyone willing to become involved and help a great cause!
If you are interested in becoming a Board Member call us at (908) 526-8130 or email us at info@chchousing.org.